Monday, July 8, 2013

WEEK 3: Activity #12 OER

I once used a TED presentation about the problem with education in America (RSA Animate's Changing Education Paradigms - Sir Kevin Robinson) when my students and I were criticizing education within a video segment/argumentation unit.

Now having seen Prezi, I am thinking that MAY have been how it was presented, but I am not sure.  Having tried Prezi, I am even MORE amazed than before.  While I didn't show the whole thing, it brought up good points for discussion.

An audio summary of a book-talk about Chapter 4 from FREAKONOMICS may be useful if I teach a high-end class (no pun intended) or meet students looking for alternative money makers to education... .

A youtube video that I was thinking of segmenting out for Learning Strategies students includes Angela Duckworth's TRUE GRIT.  I would attach her survey (with citations).  I actually connected this to either my livebinder or possibly the weebly, already.  

Another Learning Strategies video maaaaay be this TED video about listening... though I was impatient for the strategies that start at about 5 minutes.

But in checking out Maureen's combo, I saw a site highlighted by Christine Hill that gave more practice than the arithmetic-only connection made with Khan Academy in times before: .

A simple and free elementary alebra video (but not so interesting) plus link to more includes...;jsessionid=10CD09EFE6866CF595AFE0429B12C267.

1 comment:

  1. OER is full of resources. You found some good ones, but don't forget about them when the course ends, keep going back.
